Laronja TV Channel in Catalonia broadcasts a lecture by our Head of Mission in Ethiopia, on the situation of the country in the context of covid-19 and the work that the Foundation is implementing in the Somali region

2021-01-25T17:27:11+00:0011 January, 2021|

In the conference, Gerard Poch reflected on the [...]

Young people from six different autonomous regions participate in a project that reflects on the 2030 Agenda in the rural environment

2020-12-21T12:19:33+00:0011 December, 2020|


The role of rural women in agriculture, food security and nutrition in COVID-19 context is crucial

2020-10-16T11:42:45+00:0015 October, 2020|

From Social Promotion Foundation we join the celebration [...]

Palestinian rural women receive logistical support to start their productive activities and promote their social& economic development

2020-11-23T11:52:18+00:001 September, 2020|

Within the framework of the 2018 Social [...]

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