The thematic exhibition “2030 GOAL: EFAS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, organized by the Social Promotion Foundation, within the framework of the activity of education for development of the agreements financed by AECID in Ethiopia and Palestine, continues its passage and in recent weeks has visited the Family Farming Schools of El Soto and Torrealedua, arousing the interest and participation of the students and teaching staff.

The exhibition opened at the EFA Piñeiral (La Coruña) in December, and had subsequently visited the EFAs of El Salto and Boalares in Zaragoza.

Both Alfonso José García Martín and María Ángeles Molina, coordinators of the project at the EFA El Soto and the EFA Torrealedua, respectively, underline the fundamental role that the project’s “Driving Group” has had in the two EFAs, a small group of students, who hand in hand with the coordinating teacher, has delved into aspects related to the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs and the Foundation’s work within the framework of the agreement in previous months, using the teaching resources published on the portal “2030 GOAL: EFAS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” .

During the past academic year 20/21, the students who formed the main group began to identify with the objectives of this project.

During this course, these students have starred in the dissemination among their peers.

As Alfonso tells us, “the starting situation is that most of these young people are unaware of the existence of the SDGs and their impact on the day-to-day lives of citizens. Another challenge is to understand that it is not something that only affects the population in undeveloped countries, but that there is a global implication that challenges us all.”

The plan followed in the EFA El Soto was:

  • Install the exhibition material at the entrance of the center, to publicize the project to the entire educational community, in a place of frequent passage.

In each of the 13 classes:

  • Presentation in the classroom by the driving force of the SDGs, with the distribution of the guides that were sent last year.
  • Collaborative work in groups of 3, to address in each group some of the SDGs and make joint proposals.
  • Exposition to the rest of the groups of the elaborated contents and debate about them, moderated by the driving group.
  • Transcription of the proposals to the different post-it.
  • Tour of the exposed panels, for the placement of the post-it.

270 male and 25 female students have participated and visited the exhibition at the EFA in Granada, aged between 15 and 25 years old, and who are studying: 1st and 2nd Basic Vocational Training in Agrogardening, 1st and 2nd Medium Grade of Use and Conservation of the Natural Environment, 1st and 2nd Intermediate Grade of Agroecological Production, 1st and 2nd Intermediate Grade of Guide in the Natural Environment and Free Time, 1st and 2nd Superior Degree of Forest Management and the Natural Environment and 1st and 2nd Superior Degree of Teaching and Social & Sport Leisure.

María Ángeles from the EFA Torrealedua told us that “the exhibitions, the explanations and the dynamics carried out have helped the students to know the SDGs and become aware of the importance of contributing to them. They have reflected on how they can, from their personal situation, collaborate so that each of these Sustainable Development Goals are carried out, starting with themselves and continuing with the initiatives in the Center and in the Municipality.”

The panels were displayed at the school entrance, in a highly visible place for all students and families to see.

The entire teaching team was notified of the date of the arrival of the SDG panels and they could report on the exhibition in their classes.

The Driving Group played a leading role in informing the rest of the students from other classrooms. These SDGs had already been worked on in the classroom with the didactic cards. For the group dynamics in the exhibition and the reflection on the measures at a personal level, by the center and its municipality, they relied on the Guide received during the past course.

The coordinator and two students went through the groups guiding and giving support. At the end, they collected the post-its. Once collected, they were read to the students of that course and they were encouraged to reflect on each of those ideas noted. As each initiative written on the post-it was commented on, they were pasted in the place reserved for it on the panels.

Participants were 40 students from 1st TAPSD (CGM. Technician in Care for People in a Dependent Situation), 1st TCAE (CGM. Technician in Auxiliary Nursing Care) and 3rd E.S.O.