Last October 23, Isabel Casado ( AECID Head of Area for Middle East and Asia) and Ana Bernardo (AECID Head of  Cooperation Service with Palestine and Afghanistan) visited, along with staff from the Jerusalem OTC PARC (FPSC Palestinian local partner in the Agreement) and the FPSC, some activities which are being implemented under the Agreement “Improving the management of water resources in agriculture to ensure food security in the Palestinian Territories and Jordan” it started in 2010 and  is scheduled to end in December 2014.

In particular, the delegation travelled to two territories near Qalqalah. First, to the village of Nebi Elias, where the actions undertaken have been developed near the separation wall, restoring the land through which it was to be built that wall, and are now cultivated for 53 beneficiaries. The team met with the mayor of the town as well as several farmers, who are the direct beneficiaries of this action. During the meeting they could listen the concerns of farmers and also the thanks directed to the Government of Spain and FPSC for the help received by which now have infrastructure and tools designed to irrigation for agriculture.

The team then moved to the town of Kufur Thulth. There they closely inspected a tank of 1000m3 which is used for irrigation of 52 family farms producing food for their own consumption, ensuring food security of the people of this region.

All activities that the FPSC has implemented over the four years of the Agreement, is done with the belief that an efficient water management will improve agricultural productivity and help ensure food security in depressed rural areas of Jordan and the Palestinian Territories.