On December 1st 2014 started the FPSC’s agreement “Sustainable and equitable rural development in the West Bank, including the put into use and responsible management of lands and water resources for small and medium sized farmers”, which was funded by AECID.

The agreement deals with the use of clean energies, alternative sources of water and modern and non-harmful to the environment agricultural practices; but also with the strengthening of cooperation to create economic, social, and development links, paying special attention to gender matters.

In this sense, during the period of time from the beginning of the activities, the following goals have been achieved:


• There have been built farm roads in Kafa (Tulkarem), easing the entry to vegetables gardens that previously could just be reached by foot.

• There have been recovered 90 dunam of lands in Al Nabi Elias (Qalquilia). These lands recovery works enable the cultivation of almond and olive trees and other kind of fruit trees in places before were stony.

• There have been installed 8 kilometres of water pipes connecting metal cisterns to the vegetable gardens’ drip irrigation systems. This enables to increase the productivity of the lands, as they are converted into irrigated lands.

• The activities carried out in 2016 have been announced in Tulkarem and Qalquilia