Climate Justice and Human Rights will be the theme of the Third Congress organized by Mainel Foundation and Social Promotion Foundation on 24 and 25 October 2019 in Valencia.

The Intergovernmental Panel of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC) in its fifth Evaluation Report, pointed out that global warming is an unequivocal fact, and attributed it to human activity with more than 90% certainty. There is no country in the world that has not experienced the effects of climate change, causing changes in ecosystems, human societies, the economy and health, whose consequences can be irreversible if urgent measures are not taken now.

Climate Justice is a concept according to which climate change is considered a political and ethical issue, and not a strictly environmental issue. It is usually framed in a global context of spatial and temporal interdependence and recognizes that the most vulnerable and poorest people in society are often the ones who suffer most from the impact of the effects of climate change, even though these groups are precisely those with less responsibility in the climate crisis.

The III Congress of Human Rights will gather in the ICAV outstanding international experts to analyze the fairness of the impact – often disproportionate – that climate change has for the citizens and communities of the economies of the North and the South, and look for solutions to guarantee social justice, equality and the eradication of poverty in its multiple dimensions. The detailed program of the Congress can be consulted on the web

Registration for the Congress is now open and will be made through the same website until October 1 or until the capacity is reached. Some sessions will have simultaneous English-Spanish translation; To ensure the availability of the translation equipment it is necessary to indicate it in the registration form before September 10th.

The Congress will also have a space dedicated to the oral presentation of communications, which will be published along with the Proceedings of the Congress in a digital volume with its corresponding ISBN. Abstracts of communications (of no more than 300 words) must be submitted before July 12, 2019, by email to

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