As the head of the project in Social Promotion Foundation, Ana Gil, tells in the article published in El Mundo on January 5th, Youth MUN Madrid is a non-formal education programme that trains young people for intercultural dialogue and the search for solutions to problems such as the violation of children’s rights in the times of the Covid-19.

The Social Promotion Foundation together with the Fabre Foundation has adapted the 4th edition of Youth MUN Madrid to the “new normality” derived from the crisis of the Covid-19, thanks to the support of the “la Caixa” Foundation.

The programme offers young people the chance to participate through an online bilingual platform in dynamics based on MUN simulations, taught by the Association for the United Nations in Spain (ANUE).

It also organizes workshops for the development of skills (public speaking, critical thinking, negotiation, writing, linguistic ability – Spanish and English) and attitudes such as tolerance, respect, citizen participation, responsibility and global vision.

It fosters thematic simulations for dialogue on the social problems arising from the COVID-19 and iDeas2030 crisis, a training initiative recognised by the United Nations for the design of Fabre Foundation social action activities.

The activity will conclude with the participation of young people in the Youth MUN Madrid dialogue forum, which will take place in June 2021 in the Spanish capital with the presence of young people from all over the world.



Link to the news item: “Jóvenes con Liderazgo y capacidad de negociación” published in El Mundo, 5 January 2021